Saturday, February 2, 2008

Greg Lynn_Folds, Bodies, & Blobs...

Sooo, I feel that I am definitely not ready to comprehend the entirety of this reading. I feel that he is simply stating, in an unnessarily verbose fashion, that matter exhibits properties that are worthy of recognition. This section is a sort of intro to the type of architecture I know, from past knowledge, that he is going to get involved in. Lynn elaborates on the vicissitudes of gelatinous matter, along with other interactions that are all in nature and can be observed with a menial amount of scientific knowledge. To be honest, I really don't see why he can't explain these ideas with a more vernacular vocabulary, but most of this reading is comprehendible on the second pass. Still, Lynn's thesis primarily introduces natural processes and properties of matter that will further serve to inform the type of semi-architectural, organic, digital modelling that will ensue. I also know that this was not the way to respond to this first assignment, nonetheless, I will now try to tackle the Animate Form reading...


bluewolf963 said...

I would tend to agree; this article would benefit from a more down to earth approach, but that's part of what re-presentation is about, right? Might not be a bad idea to mention what stood out to you in the article. The parasite section caught my attention.

maa said...

a more rigorous reading of the article may be required here... I suggest you focus less on personal judgements, and limit your entries to factual discussions of the fundamental thesis and supporting material used to construct the piece at hand. Re-state the authors position (thesis) and illuminate the supporting documentation with your own positive or negative examples...